Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Modern Romance (short prose)

A Modern Romance

Paul George

Jacob thinks Martha is cute.

Tonight is their big date and he wants it to be the most romantic date Martha has ever had. It is morning and he is thinking of buying her a card to declare his love for her.

In a forest near Camas, Washington, a chainsaw cuts down a fine pine tree. It violently crashes on the forest floor, harshly evicting a family of squirrels. A truck spewing carbon dioxide into the air drags the tree to the local mill. A young boy chokes on the rotten-egg odor vomited into the air by the process of turning a tree into paper while he sits in the backseat of his mom’s Buick, traveling past the mill.

The paper, thin, without grain and lifeless, goes to a factory where it is colored and pressed. A staff writer at the greeting card company creates a cute sentence using words like heart, kiss, and love. He could write something deeper, but the value of his words is in direct proportion to the pay check he receives. The unmanned printing press embosses a golden heart, the unreal kind, on the card along with the writer’s words in a beautiful fourteen-point French Script font. Now the machines will do their work and create the card. At the end of the line, the Hallmark stamps its trademark on the card and envelope. Above the bar code, the Hallmark Corporation reminds all would-be-lovers that it owns the content of the card and will sue anyone who misuses it for copyright infringement.

Jacob walks toward the Wal-Mart exit with a white plastic bag containing socks, canned corn, breath mints, soap, aspirin, latex condoms, bottled water, Cheetos and one Hallmark card. An elderly employee stops him at the door and checks Jacob’s receipt. Jacob tells the old man to keep his eye out for those damned condom thieves.

Martha likes chocolate, so Jacob travels across town to a shop that sells the finest German chocolate in the area. He selects a small unreal-heart-shaped box that has been sealed in non- biodegradable plastic. He pays extra for gift wrapping and a bright pink bow. It looks beautiful, he thinks to himself. The chocolates will be quickly eaten, but the packaging, like his love for Martha, will endure forever.

Next on the list: roses. Jacob travels to the florist and asks for a dozen red roses, the benchmark standard for true love. The florist explains that there used to be a time when roses could bloom only in season. Now, however, the hot house allows them to be produced year around. Mother Nature, he explains, had rules about these things. “We, the florists, are Mother Nature’s apostates,” he says. He goes to a bed of roses in the hot house and hacks them from their roots and wraps the stems in shiny red plastic. “Be sure to put them in a vase with water or they will dry out. They are dead already, but you can slow down the decay. They will maintain the illusion of life and that is all that matters,” the florist says as he hands Jacob the roses.

The date is getting close. There is but one more item on Jacob’s list, a diamond. He travels to the mall and walks into Corporate Monopoly Jewelers. Jacob sees a beautiful diamond sitting upon an altar of gold. He asks the jeweler for a closer look at the ring. “This ring is special,” says the jeweler. “It was brought out of a mine in Zaire along with the body of an eleven-year-old boy who found it while working in the mine,” continues the jeweler. “The boy worked for pennies a day and died to prove your love to your girl.” He continues to speak, holding the diamond ring under a light. “You see, a diamond is not a true sign of love unless someone dies in order to get it to you. Fortunately, the life of a little black boy in Zaire is nothing compared to the beauty of this stone, sitting on its little golden altar.”

Jacob tells the jeweler that he will buy the ring.

“This diamond was once a rough stone in the ground,” says the jeweler as he packages the ring in a little box. “It has been cut, polished, and, most importantly, cleansed.”

Jacob pulls out a plastic card branded as the “Consumer’s Cache” and hands it to the jeweler. The best things in life are not free, Jacob thinks, they are financed.

It is dusk and Jacob drives to Martha’s apartment. He approaches the door, card, chocolate, and flowers in hand. Martha is dressed in her finest dress. Her blonde hair is in perfect submission to her will to be beautiful. Jacob gives her the card. Martha opens it and glances at the back. Papyrus would have been better, but Hallmark will do. She takes the chocolates removes the plastic wrapping, discarding it in a little green trash basket by the door. She takes the red roses. “My favorite,” she says. “I love pretty dead things.”

They get into Jacob’s car and drive to Benjamin’s, the finest restaurant in the city. Jacob decides tonight is special and drives up to the valet parking. He gives a young man his keys in exchange for a ticket. The attendant takes the car to section B19. Two years ago, there was the sound of birds singing from the trees that once ruled this piece of land. Now there is nothing but asphalt with white lines painted on it. The sound of car engines, horns, doors shutting, and swearing parking attendants fill the air. The parking attendant sits in Jacob’s car, checking the car for spare change or anything else of value. Beneath the asphalt lie the bones of a family of rabbits who did not escape the diesel-fueled wrath of progress.

Inside, the hostess leads to couple to their table. They sit down, talking to each other over the warm glow of candlelight. The waiter, a young dark-haired man, asks Jacob and Martha what they would like for dinner.

“I will have the genetically-modified steak,” says Jacob, thinking of the hard-working men in lab coats and blue latex gloves who created this fine steak.

Martha looks at the waiter and asks, “Is the swordfish fresh?”

“Of course,” responds the waiter. “It was brought in this morning. A young man from Brockton lost his hand catching the very swordfish we are serving tonight.”

“Then I will definitely have the swordfish.”

“You have made an excellent choice madam. If you will excuse me, I will get the two of you some soup while the chef makes your meals.” He walks off and enters the kitchen.

Soon the couple enjoys its French onion soup, fortified with the urine of a minimum-wage waiter. They drink wine, eat dinner, and talk about the mundane details of their lives. The desserts arrive and Jacob stands up and approaches Martha. He kneels in front of her and talks about how much she means to him. He reaches into his pocket, fingering an unopened condom before pulling out a small jewelry case with a black bow on it. He opens it, allowing the warm light of the candle to reflect the ring’s beauty. “Will you marry me?”

Martha looks at the ring. It is a good-enough diamond, worth at least the lives of two or three little black boys in Zaire. She takes it and a tear rolls down her face.

“Of course I will marry you Jacob. This is the most romantic evening of my life.”

Copyright 2011 Paul George. "The Unreal Kind" artwork copyright 2011 Paul George

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dirge for the Common Man: A Response to "Song to the Men of England"

The near-deafening brouhaha raised by the Tea Party during the 2010 election season in the United States attracted the attention of the mainstream media and political system with its use of controversial slogans and anti-government statements. Candidate Christine O’Donnell, misattributing words to Thomas Jefferson, riled the crowds with words that the government should fear the Tea Party. Air-raid-siren-voiced candidate Sharon Angle shrieked against the so-called evils of public education, social security, and minimum wage. Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin announced that the women of the Tea Party were “mama grizzlies” ready to devour an out of control federal government. Party members met at rallies, shaking signs announcing “Warning Constitution Under Attack,” claiming President Obama was a socialist, and the need to “Protect and Defend the Constitution from All Enemies” (Scherer 27).

The November 4th election led to some Tea Party victories and the Republican Party gained a majority vote in the House of Representatives. Suddenly, however, the Tea Party vanished into the background and little changed in government. Legislature made compromises, passed bills, and all will remain quiet until it is time for another election. Rather than being out-of-control wild grizzlies, Tea Party members showed themselves as sheep, bleating loudly until shepherds arrived to tell them they will be taken care of by the wealthy. Palin herself quickly withdrew to the flock, avoiding questions from that bastion of hard-hitting investigative journalism Katie Couric.

Large uprisings are nothing new. History is full of groups of people rising against their rulers demanding food, protection, or freedom. The American Revolution, which energized Europe, provided hope for the people of France, who felt oppressed under a system that protected the wealthy and denied human rights to the common citizen. In time, however, the fervor about revolution calmed and many felt the dream of freedom and equality would never be attained. Indifference, or complacency, settled into the soul of the commoner.

Perhaps this is what early 19th Century poet Percy Bysshe Shelley was responding to when he wrote “Song to the Men of England.” Shelly directs his poem directly to England’s working class, those who plough and weave for the wealthy, providing the rich with food and fine clothing, yet ultimately giving their lives for the upper class without receiving any gratitude. Ultimately, Shelley states these men toil, yet receive not “leisure, comfort, calm, / Shelter, food, love’s gentle balm,” but pain and fear.

Shelley’s words are clearly a call to arms, but they are also a reproof of, not only the workers’ indifference, but their willingness to contribute to class inequality. The final two stanzas of the poem tersely tell the men to go underground, bellow the very floors they built, and chain themselves with the very chains they made for their masters. If the men of England are going to continue supporting the system, then Shelley writes that they should use their tools and skills to make their own graves.

Class divisions still exist in the United States. After World War II and continuing through the 1970s, the gap between the rich and the poor in America remained relatively close and stable. With the introduction of Ronald Reagan’s policies of deregulating markets and giving large tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans, the gap began to grow. The gap continued to grow as the wealthy continued to increase their corporate earnings while the working class was getting paid less. Unions are now viewed as an evil, designed to steal away money from workers. Yet non-union workers constantly find themselves struggling to make enough income to take care of their living expenses.

An example of this is Wal-Mart, where employees are constantly told they are part of the family, but consistently have trouble getting the desired hours they need. A new employee is forced to watch a video about why a union would simply hurt the store’s employees and create a rift between the management and the managed that would damage everyone. Just in case an employee does not get the message, he or she must pass a computerized exam where agreeing with Wal-Mart is a condition for passing the test (Ehrenreich 144-145). With twenty-five percent of all merchandise in the United States purchased from Wal-Mart, it benefits the company to remind its employees that they are part of a family and need to show loyalty to that family by accepting low wages and whatever hours the store decides an employee deserves on any given week. And employees agree to it. They become participants in a plan that benefits the upper echelons of the corporation disproportionately more than the workers.

That has become the American way, serve and be quiet. Author Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Fight Club, about the impotent and denaturalized condition of the modern American male, introduces status quo challenger Tyler Durden. Tyler challenges the system at every turn, setting up clubs for men, dissatisfied with their lives, to fight each other. In the fight clubs, every man, whether rich, poor, healthy, sick, big, or little, gets the change to throw down with another man. There is no class. There is not any system elevating one man over another. A man’s liberty in Tyler’s world is forged with bare fists and bruised flesh.

Eventually the system, in this case law enforcement, tries to interfere. A police commissioner vows to stop the underground fighting. He is soon grabbed and pinned down by Tyler and a group of his Space Monkeys. They pull the commissioner’s pants down, wrapping a rubber band tightly around the man’s testicles. “How far do you think you’ll get in politics if the voters know you have no nuts?” asks Tyler (165). Since he is a powerful and wealthy man, the commissioner has much to lose. Tyler tells him that his gang has nothing to lose except for the fight club.
Tyler’s next words echo Shelly’s. However, in the case of Tyler and his Space Monkey’s, they are already challenging the system. They are ready to neuter those who have kept them at the bottom and Tyler’s words tell the system that the underclass has realized its true power. He says:

Remember this…The people you’re trying to step on, we’re everyone you depend on. We’re the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner.
We make your bed. We guard you while you’re asleep. We drive the ambulances. We
direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about
you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every
part of your life (166).

America’s political and upper classes remain happy with a nation where the workers view it as a privilege to serve the needs of the rich. The Tea Party, whether one agrees with their politics or not, made a lot of noise, but eventually allowed themselves to be used by the very people they claimed to be against. The Tea Party, which stood for less federal government, became supporters for fewer taxes for the rich, less regulation over the markets, and reduced funding for education. Ultimately they were happy to chain themselves down and be used by the political right.

Shelley knew the people’s power came, not from just rioting or protesting, but by their power to assert themselves through the goods and services they provide for the wealthy. Leaders, whether financial or political, need to be prodded. If Wal-Mart’s employees decided to strike for better pay and work conditions, twenty-five percent of the nation’s economy would come to a halt. That is power.

Or as Tyler would say, “don’t fuck with us” (166).

Works Cited

Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed. New York: Henry Holt, 2001. Print.

Palahniuk, Chuck. Fight Club. New York: Norton, 1996. Print.

Scherer, Michael. “It’s Tea Time.” Time. 27 Sept. 2010: 26-30. Print

Shelly, Percy Bysshe. “Song to the Men of England.” Ed. Applebaum, Stanley. English Romantic Poetry: An Anthology. Mineola: Dover, 1996. Print.